
Saving Money on Baby Wipes {How To}

After my daughter was born I was fortunate enough to be able to quit my job and become at stay-at-home mom. Being on one income is much different, and finding ways to save money is very exciting. I stumbled across this on accident and not only is it much easier to change my baby's diaper, but the wipes last much, much longer and in return I am buying less wipes and saving money SCORE!

Here is how I save money on baby wipes:

1. Buy a package of baby wipes (I use the target refills unscented, they are a great price and work fantastic for this DIY)

2. Unseal the package of baby wipes

3. Put the package (closed, but the original white seal taken off) under running water in the sink

4. Let the package fill up with some water through the top (the top should be closed when doing so, but seal taken off prior)

5. Use the wipes!

Not only will this make it so you do not need to use as many wipes, it makes changing the diaper much easier! With the super wet wipes everything comes off much faster, and with less needed.





Daily Schedule that WORKS for my 9-12 Month Old

My daughter started sleeping through the night around six weeks old, but unfortunately that wonderful streak of sleeping through the night ended around five months old. We tried every schedule we found, we had a daily routine a bedtime routine, and still she would wake up between 1-5 times a night! We tried different natural medicines for teething and made sure she was burped before she went down, but still nothing worked. Sometimes it would take upwards of two hours of rocking her and walking her around to get her to go to sleep {we tried the crying out method, and do not believe in it at all}. Finally around eight months I happened upon another mom's schedule and decided to try something similar. She had her daughter going to sleep between 8:30-9PM instead of 7-7:30PM, which I thought was interesting, because my daughter had  a hard time going to sleep early, so I thought I would try it - it worked wonders!

Here is our current schedule:

8:30/9:00 {Wake Up}
9:00  {5oz Bottle}
10:00 {Breakfast}
10:45/11:00 {Nap, 2oz bottle}
12:15/12:30 {Wake up}
1:00 {Lunch}
2:00 {5oz bottle}
3:00 {Nap, 2oz bottle}
4:00 {Wake up}
4:30 {Snack / Diluted Juice}
6:30/7:00 {Dinner}
7:30 {Bath}
8:00 {Bottle 5oz, Books}
8:30/9:00 {Bedtime, 2oz Bottle}

She finally started sleeping through the night again with this routine! Find what works for your baby, and remember not to compare. I wish I had just tried a later routine earlier, it would have saved a lot of sleep, but I am glad I have one now.