
Remembering God

Lately I have had to do a lot of soul searching and re-organizing of my priorities in life. God needs to be first - always, and honestly I have been struggling with this lately. I want it so bad yet my actions are not inline with what my heart truly desires. Being too busy for God means that I am way too busy. Reading the Bible should be exciting, not a chore, praying should be natural, not forced and when it is, something needs to change. I hope and pray that God will continue to change me and help me to keep Him first in my life. I fall short so many times, and I especially desire to change now more than ever with my daughter (and hopefully other future children) I want them to see an example of a mother who is completely in love with the Father in Heaven, not just in what I say, but in my actions of always putting HIM first in my life and never being too busy to stop and breathe and let God in. I encourage everyone who is too busy for God to re-examine your life and put God back into it, it's so much better that way!


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