
Getting rid of acne in 24 hours {how to}

I love learning natural beauty secrets, so I thought I would share one of my own.

It is bound to happen at some point, the unwanted zit or an entire breakout. During those times here is what I do:

1. I do not touch my face! (or try as hard as I can not to) touching my face actually makes the acne / zit worse and can create more.

2. I apply lemon Young Living essential oils to my face 3-6 times / day when I feel the onset of a zit / breakout, or already have a zit or breakout.

3. I moisturize my face with coconut oil in the evening, because the lemon when used in high amounts can dry out some of my skin.

If I follow those steps by the next morning my zits are either completely gone, or on the verge of being completely gone, it is awesome! Contact me if you would like to learn more about Young Living essential oils and how they can help your family. There are some YL essential oils specifically for breakouts and acne, those are also fantastic.


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