
Activities for Baby 6-9 Months

Who knew it would be so hard to keep something so small entertained!! I love finding new ways to stimulate my daughter's brain and help her grow and learn the best. Here are a few of my favorites:

1. Walks. Simple I know! She loves walks, I love walks - it's a win, win. Talking to her during the walk helps stimulate her brain and learn about the environment around her, such as, "Do you hear the birdies?"

2. Books. Another simple one! Reading is one of the best things you can do for your baby, she adores books and I love bonding with her while we read. A few of our favorites:
  1. Goodnight Moon
  2. The Very Hungry Caterpillar
  3. On the Night You Were Born 
  4. Pat the Bunny
  5. Love you Forever 
3. Hanging toys / Mobiles. These are great especially before baby can sit up on their own. This blog made a wooden toy gym, I plan on doing this for my next baby for sure. Check it out here. 

4. Bright Toys. A great trick is to put a blanket down and put the toys a foot or so out of baby's reach and let them try and get them.

5. Watching a short video. Too much screen time / TV time can be bad for baby, but we found this short baby movie on YouTube and she goes crazy over it, try it out! Short Movie for Baby.

6. Singing and dancing. She loves when we sing to her and make her hands move or feet move to the  song.

7. Baby Massage. It is best to massage baby right after bath time to calm baby down before bed. It is a great bonding time for you and baby. Any baby oil or gentle baby lotion works for massage. Find out more about baby massage here.

8. Baby Yoga. They need to stretch out their limbs too! This is one of my favorite Baby Yoga Videos.

I would love to hear how you entertain your baby!


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